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Become a CoC Member!


CoC Membership

The CoC Membership Overview Document reviews the roles and responsibilities as well as the membership requirements associated with maintaining CoC membership. By completing the application linked below, you are agreeing to follow the expectations as reviewed in the attached membership document.

To be included in the ongoing CoC communications including notification of the annual board meetings, please complete the following application. Your information will be used for Homeward purposes only, which includes a bi-monthly newsletter and other relevant information to the Continuum of Care.

Please complete the following form here:

Committee Opportunities

Coordinated Services Committee

The Coordinated Services Committee develops community strategies of improving service delivery, efficiencies, and cost effectiveness in reducing homelessness.  

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews Homeward's income and expenditures and develops, reviews, and oversees financial systems and operations.

Governance Committee

(Meets twice annually)

The Governance Committee directs the planning, design and structure for an effective organization.

Grants Committee

The Homeward Grants Committee will lead the annual HUD Funding and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) competition. The committee will guide strategic planning efforts to maximize federal funds by addressing HUD’s priorities and performance goals and evaluating applications for funding.

Housing Committee

The Housing Committee will recommend strategies to develop affordable housing resources to meet the needs of households at-risk of homelessness.

Performance Measures Committee

The Performance Committee will establish, monitor, and evaluate performance goals and measures of evidence of progress toward meeting the goal of reducing homelessness.

Homeward Directors Council

The committee is composed of leaders from homelessness service organizations who provide consultation and input to the Homeward board.

Service Council

The Service Council is a committee of homelessness staff and focuses on building the capacity of the homeless system providers through training.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee leads Homeward's brand, marketing, and media efforts to help better tell the story of homelessness in our community.

Nominating Committee

(Meets as needed)

The Nominating Committee is responsible for soliciting and identifying qualified candidates for the Homeward Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee will identify expired terms, recruit qualified candidates, and submit recommendations for nominations. 

Youth Action Council

YAC empowers and motivates our community to challenge stigma and stereotypes associated with homelessness, connects at-risk youth with resources, and promotes compassion within our community.

Committee schedules can be found on the Event Calendar.

To join a committee or learn more, contact Angie Arthur at


515.302.6017 |

505 5th Avenue, Suite 1010, Des Moines, IA 50309

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© 2023 Homeward

Persons with hearing or speech impairments may obtain copies of these materials via TTY by calling 1-800-735-2942. Persons who do not speak English as their primary language and who have limited ability to speak, write or understand English may obtain copies of theses materials by calling Angie Arthur at (515) 302-6017 or emailing her at

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